Software Architecture
as a Service

Our Experts
Oleksandr Krakovetskyi
CEO & Co-founder at DevRain
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Mykhailo Galushko
CTO & Co-founder at DevRain
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Anton Boyko
Principal Solution Architect
Elevate Your Project Success with Robust Software Architecture.
Your project's foundation is only as strong as its architecture. At DevRain, we understand the critical role that software architecture plays in determining the success or failure of any IT project. Our Azure Solutions Architect Experts leverage years of experience in the Microsoft ecosystem to deliver architecture that doesn't just meet your current needs but is also scalable and future-proof. Why settle for less when you can have the best?
Why Software Architecture Matters
The Foundation of Success
The right software architecture accounts for 80% of a project's success, guiding decisions, code, and deployments, making feature additions, scaling, and pivoting easier.
Hiring in-house software architects can be costly due to their specialized skills and premium price tags.
Optimized Involvement
Architects are most active during initial project phases, with their role diminishing once the architecture is established, leading to underutilized talents.
What We Offer
Architecture Schema

A high-level view of software components interaction, including data flows and interfaces.

Core Components and Services Description

Detailed documentation guiding development teams on algorithms to data models.

Cost of Ownership Estimation

A comprehensive breakdown of immediate and long-term costs covering cloud services, licensing, and maintenance.

3rd Party Tools Suggestions

Recommendations for tool and platform integrations to enhance efficiency, security, and performance.

Technical Requirements Document

An enhanced specification sheet serving as a guide for developers, project managers, and stakeholders.

Why Choose DevRain?
  • Expertise
    Multiple Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Experts on board. A deep understanding of the Microsoft ecosystem, including Azure, .NET, Microsoft 365, and more. Proven track record in designing complex, scalable, and robust architectures. Years of experience in IT solutions, migrations, and custom strategies tailored to unique organizational needs.
  • Efficiency
    Highly experienced architects available when you need them most, without the commitment of a full-time hire. Tailored involvement to match the specific requirements and lifecycle of your project.
  • Dedicated Support
    Round-the-clock assistance during and post-migration to ensure operational continuity and satisfaction.
  • Client-Centric
    At DevRain, we prioritize your business goals, ensuring every solution aligns with your vision and objectives.
What our customers say:
Their competency level is something that sets them apart from their competitors.
Eugene Kahanovskyi
Eugene Kahanovskyi
Public Sector Executive at Microsoft
Partnering with DevRain was a game-changer for our business. Their expertise in Microsoft Azure and AI revolutionized our processes, boosting our efficiency beyond expectations.
Olha Katiushchenko
Olha Katiushchenko
Chief Operating Officer of the Digital Division at Starlight Media