Case Studies

Explore our collection of case studies showcasing the transformative impact of our services across various industries. Each case study highlights our approach to solving complex challenges, the innovative solutions we implemented, and the tangible results achieved.
Intelligent Assistant delivers actionable insights and alerts for Revenue Management platform users

Revenue Management

AI Assistant

Intelligent assistant for Revenue Management platform helps companies & employees to to receive actionable insighta and proactive alerts & recommendations.
AI Assistant simplifies IT support process for Kernel

Customer Support

AI Assistant

Kernel aimed to improve the customer support experience for their employees by providing faster, more accurate responses to inquiries.
Budget Thuis Enhances Frontline Workforce Communication with Digital Workplace Solution


How the energy company leveraged digital workplace solution for frontline workforce to improve communication.
DonorUA Improves Blood Donor Search Through Social Listening and NLP


According to WHO, based on samples of 1000 people, the blood donation rate is 32.6 donations in high-income countries, 15.1 donations in upper-middle-income countries, 8.1 donations in lower-middle-income countries and 4.4 donations in low-income countries. Social networks are full of posts from people and blood centers asking to donate blood. Most of these posts remain ignored. We have developed a solution that monitors social networks and identifies posts with requests for blood donation.
Enabling Quick Access to Corporate Knowledge For Minimizing Support Specialist Dependency

AI Assistant

In this case study, we explore how the company leveraged Azure services and the innovative 'ChatGPT on Your Data' approach, incorporating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), to effectively manage and utilize a vast collection of documents. This solution significantly streamlined information retrieval, reducing dependency on support specialists and enhancing their efficiency in addressing requests.
From MVP to Full-Scale Platform: How DevRain Built a Competency and Compliance Management Solution from Scratch

Compliance Management

AI Assistant

How DevRain helped to validate MVP and build cloud SaaS platform for Swedish startup.
Metinvest Enhances Document Search on Microsoft SharePoint Using Machine Learning

Document Management

Metinvest, an international steel and mining group, spent eternity managing and searching through terabytes of data on Microsoft SharePoint. In response, we integrated an advanced multilingual search system enhanced with machine learning. This solution effectively identifies linked documents, detects duplicates, extracts key data insights, and automates document categorization.
MHP Speeds Up Brand Transformation with Microsoft Teams


AI Assistant

How the major agricultural producer leveraged Microsoft Teams for Digital Workplace that provides single place for all business and HR operations.
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