Microsoft Azure
Development Services

Accelerate product delivery, cut costs, and enhance agility with our expert cloud-native development services. Our custom solutions empower businesses to thrive in today's digital-first landscape.
Our Experts
Oleksandr Krakovetskyi
CEO & Co-founder at DevRain
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Mykhailo Galushko
CTO & Co-founder at DevRain
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Anton Boyko
Principal Solution Architect
We offer a big range of use cases across industries and sectors that can be automated with Microsoft Azure development tools and services.
Enterprise Applications
Azure supports large-scale enterprise apps like ERP, CRM, and supply chain systems, delivering scalability, reliability, and seamless integration to manage complex enterprise requirements.
Web and Mobile Applications
Microsoft Azure empowers developers to build and deploy scalable, high-performance web and mobile applications. With Azure, creating responsive websites, intricate web portals, comprehensive e-commerce platforms, and robust native or cross-platform mobile apps becomes a streamlined process, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.
API Applications
Microsoft Azure enables the secure and scalable design, deployment, and management of APIs. It supports efficient and seamless communication between applications, services, and data endpoints, facilitating the integration and extension of business operations in a cohesive ecosystem.
Serverless Applications
With Microsoft Azure Functions, developers can focus on their application logic without worrying about server infrastructure. This service is ideal for building event-driven applications that automatically scale to meet demand, simplifying the development process and accelerating time to market.
Application Connectivity and Integration
Microsoft Azure provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating smooth integrations across various applications, systems, and third-party services. Whether the goal is to enhance existing systems with cloud capabilities, connect disparate applications for better data flow, or automate business processes, Azure's integration services facilitate a more connected and efficient digital infrastructure.
Our Process

We align Azure cloud solutions with your objectives. From start to support, we prioritize clear communication and transparency. For a detailed look at our approach, visit Our Process page.


As experts in the Azure technology stack, we use a wide range of tools and approaches. Please refer to Technologies page for the list of major Azure services we use.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is cloud-native software development on Azure?
Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform, offering a wide range of services including computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities. Cloud-native software development on Azure refers to the design, development, and deployment of applications built specifically to thrive in the Azure cloud environment. Azure provides a scalable and secure environment for software development. With its vast array of services, you can build robust, enterprise-grade applications, leverage AI and machine learning capabilities, and ensure global availability with Azure's extensive data center network.
How does Azure ensure the security of my custom software?
Azure offers multi-layered security features, including encryption at rest and in transit, identity and access management, threat detection, DDoS protection, and regular security audits. Microsoft invests heavily in securing its infrastructure and complies with global standards and certifications.
Can I integrate existing on-premises systems with applications on Azure?
Yes, Azure provides hybrid capabilities that allow you to integrate cloud solutions with existing on-premises data and systems seamlessly.
How does Azure handle scalability for my custom software?
Azure provides auto-scaling capabilities. This means your applications can automatically scale up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
What development languages and frameworks do you use?
Azure supports many programming languages like .NET, Python, Node.js, PHP, and more. This flexibility lets developers use their favorite tools. We mainly use ASP.NET Core Blazor/Razor and Python, but we choose based on your business
How does Azure's pricing work for custom software development?
Azure operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model. You only pay for the resources and services you use. Azure also offers a free tier with limited resources, allowing you to experiment and prototype without incurring costs.
Can I migrate my existing applications to Azure?
Yes, Azure provides tools and services that facilitate the migration of your existing applications and data to the cloud, ensuring a smooth transition.
How does Azure support DevOps practices in custom software development?
Azure offers a set of DevOps tools, including Azure DevOps Services, that support continuous integration, continuous delivery, and other best practices to streamline the software development lifecycle.
What support options are available for custom software development on Azure?
We actively support the solutions we develop and offer convenient and flexible post-launch support services. Once your solution is in production, you not only have our backing but you can also utilize the diverse support options offered by Microsoft. These range from basic developer support to premium plans with 24/7 access to Cloud Solution Architects and Technical Support Engineers.
What our customers say:
Their competency level is something that sets them apart from their competitors.
Eugene Kahanovskyi
Eugene Kahanovskyi
Public Sector Executive at Microsoft
DevRain consistently delivers perfect results, focuses on business goals, and helps with technical solutions. They have a mindset of a business partner, not just a consultant.
Cedrik Leijon
Cedrik Leijon
CPO & Founder at Inphiz